Favorite Books

I have always been a reader, however, like many I got away from reading for several years. Since 2016, I made it a goal to read more than I ever have and I especially challenged myself to read more than my most read client. Now, I am always reading and even find it is more than a habit--I actually feel a loss if there is not a book that I am in the middle of. How does this benefit you?

I decided to create my own 'book review' list and as a believer that no matter how 'good' a book is, there is always at least one point that is worth thinking about and in some cases applying to your business or life. In order to save you some time, I have listed those points here, under each book I have read. If it intrigues you and you want to talk more about it, give me a call. Or, if you want to read the book yourself, enjoy!

Also, if you have a book that you think I should read, please send it to me via the Contact Us page. Maybe we could even sit down and have a discussion about it.

This list will grow as I read and add books to it. You can also download the list in PDF.


Years ago I heard about a study done on the difference between realtors who were just making it and those earning over 6 figures--all at the same office. Regardless of background, education, years in the industry, the only difference between the realtors earning potential was 2 books. Those realtors who earned over 6 figures in commissions read at least 2 personal development books every year. Those barely making it or earning less than $50K read none. Since then, I decided I wanted to be in the 'at least 2 books per year' category.

Favorite Books

My Favorite Books (actually I love all the books I’ve ever read!)

The Holy Bible

Essentialism, by Greg McKeown

Crazy Good, by Steve Chandler

The Prosperous Coach, by Rich Litvin & Steve Chandler

Relationshift, by Steve Chandler

Time Warrior, by Steve Chandler

His Needs, Her Needs, by Willard Harley, Jr

Wooden on Leadership, John Wooden

Speed of Trust, Stephen M. R. Covey

Ultimate Dale Carnegie Library, Dale Carnegie Training

The Anatomy of Peace, Arbinger Institute

Leadership and Act of Self-Deception, Arbinger Institute

The 12 Week Year, Brian Moran

The One Thing, Gary Keller

Elizabeth II, Life of a Monarch, Audible Original

Your Brain at Work, David Rock

Everyday Millionaire, Chris Hogan

Capital Gaines, Chip Gaines

Spark, Angie Morgan, Courtney Lynch & Sean Lynch

Reinventing Yourself, Steve Chandler

Death Wish, Steve Chandler

Rocket Fuel, Gino Wickman

The New Strong-Willed Child, James Dobson

Right Now, Steve Chandler

Blue Ocean Strategy, W. Chan Kim, Renee Mauborgne

The Coaching Habit, Michael Bungay

Deep Work, Cal Newport

Lessons from a Third Grade Dropout, Rick Rigsby

Eat that Frog, Brian Tracy

The Compound Effect, Darren Hardy

Christian Reflections on The Leadership Challenge, Barry Posner & James Kouzes

Just Listen, Mark Goulston

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